defmodule WeewxProxy.Publisher do require Logger use GenServer alias WeewxProxy.Utils @type data :: %{required(atom) => number() | nil} defmodule State do # credo:disable-for-previous-line Credo.Check.Readability.ModuleDoc use TypedStruct typedstruct do field :last_update, non_neg_integer(), default: 0 end end @name __MODULE__ @spec child_spec(term) :: Supervisor.child_spec() def child_spec(_arg) do %{ id: __MODULE__, start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, []}, restart: :permanent, shutdown: 5000, type: :worker } end @spec start_link :: GenServer.on_start() def start_link do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: @name) end @spec publish(String.t(), data()) :: :ok def publish(topic, data) do filtered_data = :maps.filter(fn _k, v -> not is_nil(v) end, data) GenServer.cast(@name, {:publish, topic, filtered_data}) end @spec publish_value_map(String.t(), data()) :: :ok def publish_value_map(topic, data) do filtered_data = :maps.filter(fn _k, v -> not is_nil(v) end, data) _ = for {key, value} <- filtered_data do full_topic = "#{topic}/#{key}" GenServer.cast(@name, {:publish_value, full_topic, to_string(value)}) end :ok end # Callbacks @impl true def init([]) do {:ok, %State{}} end @impl true def handle_cast({:publish, topic, data}, state) do {:ok, json_data} = Jason.encode(data) _ ="Publishing record to #{topic}") _ = Tortoise311.publish(WeewxBroker, topic, json_data, qos: 0, timeout: 5000) _ = Logger.debug("Published record: #{inspect(data)}") {:noreply, %State{state | last_update: Utils.utc_timestamp()}} end @impl true def handle_cast({:publish_value, topic, data}, state) do _ ="Publishing value to #{topic}") _ = Tortoise311.publish(LocalBroker, topic, data, qos: 0, timeout: 1000) _ = Logger.debug("Published value: #{inspect(data)}") {:noreply, %State{state | last_update: Utils.utc_timestamp()}} end end