defmodule WeewxProxy.HTTP.PurpleAir do require Logger use GenServer alias WeewxProxy.{Publisher, Utils} @type parsed_body :: %{required(String.t()) => String.t() | float() | integer()} defmodule State do # credo:disable-for-previous-line Credo.Check.Readability.ModuleDoc use TypedStruct typedstruct do field :last_update, non_neg_integer(), default: 0 end end @name __MODULE__ @spec child_spec(term) :: Supervisor.child_spec() def child_spec(_arg) do %{ id: __MODULE__, start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, []}, restart: :permanent, shutdown: 5000, type: :worker } end @spec start_link :: GenServer.on_start() def start_link do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: @name) end # API @spec recently_uploaded_keys :: [atom()] def recently_uploaded_keys do current_timestamp = Utils.utc_timestamp() recently_uploaded_keys(current_timestamp) end @spec recently_uploaded_keys(non_neg_integer()) :: [atom()] def recently_uploaded_keys(current_timestamp) do case :ets.lookup(:purpleair, :last_update) do [{_key, timestamp}] when current_timestamp - timestamp < 70 -> [:pressure] _ -> [] end end # Callbacks @impl true def init([]) do {:ok, %State{}, {:continue, :init}} end @impl true def handle_continue(:init, state) do :ok = Process.send(self(), :fetch, []) {:noreply, state} end @impl true def handle_info(:fetch, state) do data = fetch_data() :ok = handle_reading(data) _ = trigger_fetch() {:noreply, %State{state | last_update: Utils.utc_timestamp()}} end @impl true def handle_info(request, state) do _ = Logger.error("Unexpected message: #{inspect(request)}") {:noreply, state} end # Helper @spec trigger_fetch :: reference() defp trigger_fetch do Process.send_after(self(), :fetch, 25_000) end @spec fetch_data :: parsed_body() | nil defp fetch_data do url = Application.fetch_env!(:weewx_proxy, :purpleair_url) case HTTPoison.get(url) do {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} -> {:ok, data} = Jason.decode(body) if handle_reading?(data) do data else _ = Logger.warning("Ignoring reading: #{inspect(data)}") nil end {:ok, response} -> _ = Logger.warning("Unexpected response: #{inspect(response)}") nil {:error, error} -> _ = Logger.error("Unexpected error: #{inspect(error)}") nil end end @spec handle_reading?(parsed_body()) :: boolean defp handle_reading?(data) do is_number(data["pm1_0_atm"]) and is_number(data["pm2_5_atm"]) and is_number(data["pm10_0_atm"]) and is_number(data["pm1_0_atm_b"]) and is_number(data["pm2_5_atm_b"]) and is_number(data["pm10_0_atm_b"]) and abs(data["pm2_5_atm"] - data["pm2_5_atm_b"]) < 200 and is_number(data["pressure"]) and is_number(data["pressure_680"]) and is_integer(data["uptime"]) and data["uptime"] > 120 end @spec handle_reading(parsed_body() | nil) :: :ok defp handle_reading(nil), do: :ok defp handle_reading(data) do transformed_data = %{ dateTime: format_date_time(data), pm1_0: calculate_mean(data, "pm1_0_atm", "pm1_0_atm_b"), pm2_5: calculate_mean(data, "pm2_5_atm", "pm2_5_atm_b"), pm10_0: calculate_mean(data, "pm10_0_atm", "pm10_0_atm_b"), pressure: calculate_mean(data, "pressure", "pressure_680") } _ = :ets.insert(:purpleair, {:last_update, transformed_data.dateTime}) :ok = Publisher.publish("weewx/ingest_si", transformed_data) Publisher.publish_value_map("hadata/weewx/si", transformed_data) end @spec format_date_time(parsed_body()) :: non_neg_integer() defp format_date_time(data) do {:ok, dt, 0} = data |> Map.get("DateTime") |> String.replace("/", "-") |> String.upcase(:ascii) |> DateTime.from_iso8601() DateTime.to_unix(dt) end @spec calculate_mean(parsed_body(), String.t(), String.t()) :: float() defp calculate_mean(data, key_a, key_b) do data_a = data[key_a] data_b = data[key_b] raw_value = case {data_a, data_b} do {0.0, 0.0} -> 0.0 {_, 0.0} -> data_a {0.0, _} -> data_b {_, _} -> (data_a + data_b) / 2.0 end Float.round(raw_value, 4) end end