# configuration file for the weewx-wdc skin SKIN_NAME = Weather Data Center SKIN_VERSION = 1.3.3 [Extras] # Show a link to the GitHub respository of this skin. Set to False to hide. github_link = True # This radar image would be available as $Extras.radar_img radar_img = https://www.dwd.de/DWD/wetter/radar/radfilm_nrw_akt.gif # This URL will be used as the image hyperlink: radar_url = https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radarbild_film/radarbild_film.html [[forecast_table_settings]] source = Aeris num_periods = 72 num_days = 4 show_legend = 1 show_hourly = 0 show_day = 1 show_date = 1 show_outlook = 1 show_temp = 1 show_dewpoint = 0 show_humidity = 0 show_wind = 1 show_tides = 0 show_sun = 1 show_moon = 0 show_pop = 1 show_precip = 1 show_obvis = 0 [DisplayOptions] climatological_days = rainDays, summerDays, hotDays, desertDays, tropicalNights, stormDays, iceDays, frostDays # table_tile_observations = outTemp, outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, windGust, windDir, rain, rainRate, snowDepth, dewpoint, windchill, heatindex, appTemp, UV, ET, radiation, cloudbase, extraTemp1, extraHumid1, extraTemp2, extraHumid2, extraTemp3, extraHumid3, extraTemp4, extraHumid4, extraTemp5, extraHumid5, extraTemp6, extraHumid6, extraTemp7, extraHumid7, extraTemp8, extraHumid8, soilMoist1 stat_tile_observations = outTemp, outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, windGust, windDir, rain, rainRate, snowDepth, dewpoint, windchill, heatindex, appTemp, UV, ET, luminosity, radiation, cloudbase, extraTemp1, extraHumid1, extraTemp2, extraHumid2, extraTemp3, extraHumid3, extraTemp4, extraHumid4, extraTemp5, extraHumid5, extraTemp6, extraHumid6, extraTemp7, extraHumid7, extraTemp8, extraHumid8, soilTemp1, soilMoist1, lightning_strike_count diagram_tile_observations = tempdew, outHumidity, barometer, windchill_heatindex_apptemp, wind, windDir, rain, rainRate, snowDepth, UV, ET, luminosity, radiation, cloudbase, soilTemp1, soilMoist1 [[diagram_tile_combined_obervations]] [[[tempdew]]] label = 'Außentemperatur / Taupunkt' [[[[obs]]]] [[[[[outTemp]]]]] [[[[[dewpoint]]]]] [[[windchill_heatindex_apptemp]]] label = 'Windchill / Hitzeindex / gefühlte Temperatur' [[[[obs]]]] [[[[[windchill]]]]] color = '#0099CC' [[[[[heatindex]]]]] color = '#610000' [[[[[appTemp]]]]] color = '#C41E39' [[[wind]]] label = 'Windgeschwindigkeit / Böen' [[[[obs]]]] [[[[[windSpeed]]]]] [[[[[windGust]]]]] [[[lightning_graph]]] label = 'Blitze' [[[[obs]]]] [[[[[lightning_distance]]]]] color = '#497E76' [[[[[lightning_strike_count]]]]] color = '#F0CA00' [CheetahGenerator] encoding = html_entities search_list_extensions = user.general_util.GeneralUtil, user.stats_util.StatsUtil, user.diagram_util.DiagramUtil, user.celestial_util.CelestialUtil, user.archive_util.ArchiveUtil, user.table_util.TableUtil, user.forecast_util.ForecastUtil [[SummaryByMonth]] # Reports that summarize "by month" [[[NOAA_month]]] encoding = normalized_ascii template = NOAA/NOAA-%Y-%m.txt.tmpl #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour [[[summary_month]]] template = month-%Y-%m.html.tmpl #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour [[SummaryByYear]] # Reports that summarize "by year" [[[NOAA_year]]] encoding = normalized_ascii template = NOAA/NOAA-%Y.txt.tmpl #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour [[[summary_year]]] template = year-%Y.html.tmpl #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour # Reports that show statistics "to date", such as day-to-date, # week-to-date, month-to-date, etc. [[ToDate]] [[[day]]] template = index.html.tmpl [[[week]]] template = week.html.tmpl [[[month]]] template = month.html.tmpl [[[year]]] template = year.html.tmpl #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour [[[statistics]]] template = statistics.html.tmpl stale_age = 10800 # Every 3 hours [[[celestial]]] template = celestial.html.tmpl # Static pages, add as many as you want. [[Static]] #[[[about]]] #template = about.html.tmpl #title = About [CopyGenerator] copy_once = dist/js/index.js, dist/scss/index.css, favicon.ico, manifest.json, icon-192x192.png, icon-256x256.png, icon-384x384.png, icon-512x512.png, service-worker.js # copy_always = [Generators] generator_list = weewx.cheetahgenerator.CheetahGenerator, weewx.reportengine.CopyGenerator