#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell update-shell.nix -i bash # shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC2154 set -eEuo pipefail current_command='none' trap 'last_command=$current_command; current_command=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG trap 'code=$?; if [ "$code" -ne "0" ]; then echo "\"${last_command}\" command ended with exit code $code."; fi' EXIT script_dir="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")" plugins="${script_dir}/plugins.yaml" nix_new_file="${script_dir}/plugins_new.nix" nix_file="${script_dir}/plugins.nix" plugins_json="$(dasel -r yaml -w json . <"$plugins")" readarray -t plugin_array <<<"$(echo "$plugins_json" | jq -c '.[]')" rm -f "$nix_new_file" { echo '# This file has been auto-generated' echo '{ pkgs, ... }:' echo 'let' echo 'inherit (pkgs) fetchFromGitHub;' # echo 'inherit (pkgs) fetchFromSourcehut;' echo 'inherit (pkgs.vimUtils) buildVimPlugin;' echo 'in' echo '{' } >>"$nix_new_file" for plugin in "${plugin_array[@]}"; do raw_src="$(echo "$plugin" | dasel -r json -w - '.src')" owner="$(echo "$raw_src" | awk -F'/' '{ print $(NF-1) }')" repo="$(echo "$raw_src" | awk -F'/' '{ print $(NF) }')" name="$(echo "$repo" | tr '.' '-')" echo "Updating ${owner}/${repo} ..." if [[ $raw_src == http* ]]; then clone_src="$raw_src" else clone_src="https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}.git" fi nix_prefetch_flags="--quiet" fetch_submodules="$(echo "$plugin" | jq -r '.fetchSubmodules // empty')" if [ "$fetch_submodules" == "true" ]; then nix_prefetch_flags+=" --fetch-submodules" fi branch="$(echo "$plugin" | jq -r '.branch // empty')" if [ -n "$branch" ]; then nix_prefetch_flags+=" --rev refs/heads/$branch" fi rev="$(echo "$plugin" | jq -r '.rev // empty')" if [ -n "$rev" ]; then nix_prefetch_flags+=" --rev $rev" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 src_json="$(nix-prefetch-git $nix_prefetch_flags "$clone_src")" src="{ owner = \"${owner}\"; repo = \"${repo}\"; rev = \"$(echo "$src_json" | dasel -r json -w - '.rev')\"; sha256 = \"$(echo "$src_json" | dasel -r json -w - '.sha256')\"; fetchSubmodules = $(echo "$src_json" | dasel -r json -w - '.fetchSubmodules'); }" commit_date="$(echo "$src_json" | dasel -r json -w - '.date')" version="$(TZ='Etc/UTC' date -d "$commit_date" "+%Y-%m-%d")" case "$clone_src" in https://github.com*) fetcher="fetchFromGitHub" ;; https://git.sr.ht*) fetcher="fetchFromSourcehut" ;; *) echo "Unsupported URL: $clone_src" exit 1 ;; esac case "$name" in *) { echo "${name} = buildVimPlugin {" echo "pname = \"${repo}\";" } >>"$nix_new_file" close_block="};" ;; esac { echo "version = \"${version}\";" echo "src = ${fetcher} ${src};" } >>"$nix_new_file" build_inputs="$(echo "$plugin" | jq -r '.nativeBuildInputs // empty' | jq -r @sh)" if [ -n "$build_inputs" ]; then { echo -n "nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [" echo -n "$build_inputs" | tr -d "'" echo '];' } >>"$nix_new_file" fi build_phase="$(echo "$plugin" | jq -r '.buildPhase // empty')" if [ -n "$build_phase" ]; then printf "buildPhase = ''\n%s\n'';\n" "$build_phase" >>"$nix_new_file" fi echo "$close_block" >>"$nix_new_file" done { echo "doInstallCheck = false;" echo "}" } >>"$nix_new_file" nixpkgs-fmt "$nix_new_file" if test -f "$nix_file"; then set +eo pipefail difft "$nix_file" "$nix_new_file" set -eo pipefail mv "$nix_new_file" "$nix_file" else mv "$nix_new_file" "$nix_file" set +eo pipefail bat --paging=never "$nix_file" set -eo pipefail fi