{ pkgs, ... }: { systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /var/lib/sabnzbd 0750 media_user media_group" ]; # The nix-provided options force a sabnzbd-user to a certain degree systemd.services.sabnzbd = let mounts = [ "mnt-downloads.mount" ]; in { description = "sabnzbd server"; requires = mounts; bindsTo = [ "wg.service" ]; after = [ "wg.service" ] ++ mounts; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "forking"; GuessMainPID = "no"; User = "media_user"; Group = "media_group"; NetworkNamespacePath = "/var/run/netns/wg"; BindReadOnlyPaths = [ "/etc/netns/wg/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:norbind" "/etc/netns/wg/nsswitch.conf:/etc/nsswitch.conf:norbind" ]; ExecStart = "${pkgs.sabnzbd}/bin/sabnzbd -d -f /var/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini"; }; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."sabnzbd.internal.kempkens.network" = { quic = true; http3 = true; onlySSL = true; useACMEHost = "internal.kempkens.network"; extraConfig = '' client_max_body_size 32m; ''; locations."/" = { recommendedProxySettings = true; proxyPass = ""; }; }; }