defaultLocalType := if os() == "macos" { "darwin" } else { "nixos" } defaultRemoteType := "nixos" default: @just --list # Format the entire source tree fmt: treefmt # Build a local machine [group('build')] build-local-machine target type=defaultLocalType: nom build ".#{{type}}Configurations.{{target}}" # Build a remote machine [group('build')] build-remote-machine target type=defaultRemoteType: nom build --eval-store auto \ --store 'ssh-ng://root@{{target}}' \ '.#{{type}}Configurations.{{target}}' # Deploy to a local machine [group('deploy')] deploy-local-machine target type=defaultLocalType: _git-pull (build-local-machine target type) env TERM=xterm-256color {{type}}-rebuild switch --flake ".#{{target}}" attic push nifoc-systems /run/current-system # Deploy to a remote machine [group('deploy')] deploy-remote-machine target type=defaultRemoteType: _git-pull (build-remote-machine target type) deploy --skip-checks '.#{{target}}' ssh -t '{{target}}' attic push nifoc-systems /run/current-system _git-pull: -git pull