Fork 0

nvim: Switch from lualine to heirline

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Kempkens 2022-05-25 20:19:11 +02:00
parent 41fa76eb00
commit e23936b1dc
7 changed files with 342 additions and 141 deletions

View file

@ -1,62 +1,249 @@
(let [mod {}
web-devicons (require :nvim-web-devicons)]
(fn buffer-not-empty? []
(not= (vim.fn.empty (vim.fn.expand "%:t")) 1))
(let [mod {:heirline {}}
api vim.api
heirline-utils (require :heirline.utils)
heirline-conditions (require :heirline.conditions)
web-devicons (require :nvim-web-devicons)
dracula (require :dracula)
colors (dracula.colors)]
(fn buffer-variable-exists? [key]
(and (buffer-not-empty?) (not= (. vim.b key) nil)))
(not= (. vim :b key) nil))
(fn maybe-insert-git-status [format value result]
(when (and (not= value nil) (> value 0))
(table.insert result (string.format format value))))
(fn get-current-line []
(let [cl (api.nvim_win_get_cursor 0)]
(. cl 1)))
(fn mod.line-column []
(let [line (tostring (vim.fn.line "."))
column (tostring (vim.fn.col "."))]
(string.format "%3s:%-3s" line column)))
(fn get-total-lines []
(vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count 0))
(fn mod.current-line-percent []
(let [current-line (vim.fn.line ".")
total-lines (vim.fn.line "$")]
(if (= current-line 1) :Top
(= current-line total-lines) :Bot
;; Utils
(set mod.heirline.default-hl
(fn []
{:bg colors.black}))
(set mod.heirline.space {:provider " "})
(set mod.heirline.spacer {:provider " " :hl {:fg colors.bg :bg colors.bg}})
;; Mode
(set mod.heirline.vi-mode
{:init (fn [self]
(let [mode (. (api.nvim_get_mode) :mode)]
(set self.mode mode)))
:static {:mode-names {:n :NORMAL
"no\022" :O-PENDING
"\022" :V-BLOCK
"\022s" :V-BLOCK
"\019" :S-BLOCK
:cv :EX
:ce :EX
:rm :MORE
:mode-hl {:n {:fg colors.black :bg colors.purple :bold true}
:i {:fg colors.black :bg colors.green :bold true}
:v {:fg colors.black :bg colors.pink :bold true}
:V {:fg colors.black :bg colors.pink :bold true}
"\022" {:fg colors.black :bg colors.pink :bold true}
:c {:fg colors.black :bg colors.yellow :bold true}
:s {:fg colors.black :bg colors.orange :bold true}
:S {:fg colors.black :bg colors.orange :bold true}
"\019" {:fg colors.black
:bg colors.orange
:bold true}
:R {:fg colors.black :bg colors.yellow :bold true}
:r {:fg colors.black :bg colors.yellow :bold true}
:! {:fg colors.black :bg colors.purple :bold true}
:t {:fg colors.black :bg colors.purple :bold true}}}
:provider (fn [self]
(.. " " (. self :mode-names self.mode) " "))
:hl (fn [self]
(let [short-mode (self.mode:sub 1 1)]
(. self :mode-hl short-mode)))})
;; Filetype
(set mod.heirline.filetype-block
{:init (fn [self]
(set self.filename (api.nvim_buf_get_name 0)))})
(set mod.heirline.file-icon
{:init (fn [self]
(let [filename self.filename
ext (vim.fn.fnamemodify filename ":e")
(icon color) (web-devicons.get_icon_color filename ext
{:default true})]
(set self.icon icon)
(set self.icon-color color)))
:provider (fn [self]
(when self.icon
(.. self.icon " ")))
:hl (fn [self]
{:fg self.icon-color})})
(set mod.heirline.filetype
{:provider (fn []
(let [ft vim.bo.filetype]
(if (> (ft:len) 0) ft "no ft")))
:hl {:fg colors.white}})
(set mod.heirline.filetype-block
(heirline-utils.insert mod.heirline.filetype-block
mod.heirline.file-icon mod.heirline.filetype))
;; git
(set mod.heirline.git {:condition heirline-conditions.is_git_repo
:init (fn [self]
(let [git-status vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict]
(set self.git-head git-status.head)
(set self.git-added (or git-status.added 0))
(set self.git-removed
(or git-status.removed 0))
(set self.git-changed
(or git-status.changed 0))
(set self.has-changes?
(or (> self.git-added 0)
(> self.git-removed 0)
(> self.git-changed 0)))))
1 {:provider (fn [self]
(.. "  " self.git-head " "))
:hl {:fg colors.black :bg colors.orange :bold true}}
2 {:condition (fn [self]
:provider " "}
3 {:provider (fn [self]
(let [spacer (if (or (> self.git-removed
(> self.git-changed
" " "")]
(when (> self.git-added 0)
(.. " " self.git-added spacer))))
:hl {:fg colors.bright_green}}
4 {:provider (fn [self]
(let [spacer (if (> self.git-changed 0)
" " "")]
(when (> self.git-removed 0)
(.. " " self.git-removed spacer))))
:hl {:fg colors.bright_red}}
5 {:provider (fn [self]
(when (> self.git-changed 0)
(.. " " self.git-changed)))
:hl {:fg colors.cyan}}})
;; Diagnostics
(set mod.heirline.diagnostics
{:condition heirline-conditions.has_diagnostics
:init (fn [self]
(let [d vim.diagnostic]
(set self.errors
(length (d.get 0 {:severity d.severity.ERROR})))
(set self.warnings
(length (d.get 0 {:severity d.severity.WARN})))
(set self.info (length (d.get 0 {:severity d.severity.INFO})))
(set self.hints
(length (d.get 0 {:severity d.severity.HINT})))))
1 {:provider (fn [self]
(let [spacer (if (or (> self.warnings 0) (> self.info 0)
(> self.hints 0))
" " "")]
(when (> self.errors 0)
(.. " " self.errors spacer))))
:hl {:fg colors.red}}
2 {:provider (fn [self]
(let [spacer (if (or (> self.info 0) (> self.hints 0))
" " "")]
(when (> self.warnings 0)
(.. " " self.warnings spacer))))
:hl {:fg colors.yellow}}
3 {:provider (fn [self]
(let [spacer (if (> self.hints 0) " " "")]
(when (> self.info 0)
(.. " " self.info spacer))))
:hl {:fg colors.cyan}}
4 {:provider (fn [self]
(when (> self.hints 0)
(.. " " self.hints)))
:hl {:fg colors.cyan}}})
;; Current Function
(set mod.heirline.current-function
{:condition heirline-conditions.lsp_attached
:provider (fn []
(let [ctx vim.b.nifoc_lsp_current_context]
(when (and (not= ctx nil) (> (ctx:len) 0))
:hl {:fg colors.white}})
;; Buffer Options
(set mod.heirline.buffer-options
{:init (fn [self]
(set self.has-options?
(or (buffer-variable-exists? :nifoc_lsp_enabled)
(buffer-variable-exists? :nifoc_treesitter_enabled)
:hl {:fg colors.black :bg colors.orange}
1 {:condition (fn [self]
:provider " "}
2 {:provider (fn []
(when (buffer-variable-exists? :nifoc_lsp_enabled)
" "))}
3 {:provider (fn []
(when (or (buffer-variable-exists? :nifoc_lsp_formatter_enabled)
(not= (vim.opt_local.formatprg:get) ""))
" "))}
4 {:provider (fn []
(when (buffer-variable-exists? :nifoc_treesitter_enabled)
" "))}
5 {:provider (fn []
(when vim.wo.spell
"暈 "))}})
;; Position
(set mod.heirline.position {:init (fn [self]
(let [pos (api.nvim_win_get_cursor 0)]
(set self.position-line
(tostring (. pos 1)))
(set self.position-column
(tostring (. pos 2)))))
:provider (fn [self]
(string.format " %3s:%-3s "
:hl {:fg colors.black
:bg colors.purple
:bold true}})
;; Scrollbar
(set mod.heirline.scrollbar
{:init (fn [self]
(set self.current-line (get-current-line))
(set self.total-lines (get-total-lines)))
:static {:scrollbar-icons ["🭶" "🭷" "🭸" "🭹" "🭺" "🭻"]}
:provider (fn [self]
(let [i (+ (math.floor (* (/ (- self.current-line 1)
(length self.scrollbar-icons)))
new-scrollbar (. self :scrollbar-icons i)]
(string.rep new-scrollbar 2)))
:hl {:fg colors.purple}})
;; Custom Mode
(fn mod.filetype []
(let [name (vim.fn.expand "%:t")
extension (vim.fn.expand "%:e")
ftype vim.bo.filetype]
(if (> (ftype:len) 0) (let [icon (web-devicons.get_icon name extension
{:default true})]
(.. ftype " " icon))
"no ft")))
(fn mod.gitsigns-diff-source []
(let [signs vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict]
(when signs
{:added signs.added :modified signs.changed :removed signs.removed})))
(fn mod.current-function []
(let [ctx vim.b.nifoc_lsp_current_context]
(if (and (not= ctx nil) (> (ctx:len) 0)) ctx "")))
(fn mod.spell-enabled? []
(if (and (buffer-not-empty?) vim.wo.spell) "ﮒ" ""))
(fn mod.fixer-enabled? []
(if (or (buffer-variable-exists? :nifoc_lsp_formatter_enabled)
(not= (vim.opt_local.formatprg:get) "")) "" ""))
(fn mod.treesitter-enabled? []
(if (buffer-variable-exists? :nifoc_treesitter_enabled) "" ""))
(fn mod.lsp-enabled? []
(if (buffer-variable-exists? :nifoc_lsp_enabled) "" ""))
(fn mod.extension-telescope []
{:filetypes [:TelescopePrompt]
:sections {:lualine_a [(fn []
(fn mod.heirline.custom-mode [str]
{:provider (.. " " str " ")
:hl {:fg colors.black :bg colors.green :bold true}})

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
(let [heirline (require :heirline)
utils (require :heirline.utils)
conditions (require :heirline.conditions)
ns (. (require :nifoc.statusline) :heirline)]
(local default-statusline [;; Left
(utils.surround [" " ""] nil ns.git)
(utils.surround [" " ""] nil ns.diagnostics)
(utils.surround [" " ""] nil ns.current-function)
;; Right
{:provider "%="}
(local telescope-statusline
{:condition (fn []
(conditions.buffer_matches {:filetype [:TelescopePrompt]}))
1 ns.spacer
2 (ns.custom-mode :Telescope)})
(local statuslines {:hl ns.default-hl
:init utils.pick_child_on_condition
1 telescope-statusline
2 default-statusline})
;; Load Statusline
(set vim.opt.laststatus 3)
(heirline.setup statuslines))

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
(let [lualine (require :lualine)
ns (require :nifoc.statusline)]
(lualine.setup {:options {:globalstatus true
:theme :dracula-nvim
:section_separators ""
:component_separators "|"
:icons_enabled true}
:sections {; Left
:lualine_a [:mode]
:lualine_b [{1 :diff
:source ns.gitsigns-diff-source
:symbols {:added " "
:modified " "
:removed " "}}
{1 :diagnostics
:sources [:nvim_diagnostic]
:symbols {:error " "
:warn " "
:info " "
:hint " "}}]
:lualine_c [ns.current-function]
; Right
:lualine_x [:filetype
:lualine_y [ns.current-line-percent]
:lualine_z [ns.line-column]}
:extensions [:toggleterm (ns.extension-telescope)]}))

flake.lock generated
View file

@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
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View file

@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ in
# UI
plugin = lualine-nvim;
config = builtins.readFile ../../config/nvim/plugins/lualine.fnl;
plugin = heirline-nvim;
config = builtins.readFile ../../config/nvim/plugins/heirline.fnl;
type = "fennel";

View file

@ -58,23 +58,23 @@
substitute-nvim = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "substitute.nvim";
version = "2022-04-06";
version = "2022-05-25";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "gbprod";
repo = "substitute.nvim";
rev = "66379e99812ce5f46aa4810c05460c87b7b40aac";
sha256 = "1j85rxj8cb7jxdaw3jwjgg46wsic28304b2bm2wrfj0idnmlrwki";
rev = "2dda396e8cfa6463a5c6fdb98b52635d200e3775";
sha256 = "0hvjxpag3cyklnfgbxk423y5icrmi936hzapa851qirxpw9zxj18";
fetchSubmodules = false;
leap-nvim = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "leap.nvim";
version = "2022-05-21";
version = "2022-05-23";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ggandor";
repo = "leap.nvim";
rev = "e45af6e06eacefd7d1aa1c8526aeeccea61fe874";
sha256 = "0p2hlzxq80l642d8160jyhayl8w3hzzdr8fpzh92202rp2p117bw";
rev = "e518433923f4ab4ca9b328d97e209d3ef18a4df9";
sha256 = "1zh86cp41z7zxl005wzl7lv2mw9wcv62vhd3h582djy48bypcrk2";
fetchSubmodules = false;
@ -91,12 +91,12 @@
nvim-treesitter = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "nvim-treesitter";
version = "2022-05-22";
version = "2022-05-25";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "nvim-treesitter";
repo = "nvim-treesitter";
rev = "b8fd5df8ff706fc2967f79a269c356916aaca4ae";
sha256 = "0wswfnp76v391y9bj1bv5m7kihh2as2mx44jvcca8vncffqp6q5f";
rev = "3dea0bbf71438d2d5a79de0145b509dfb16525a5";
sha256 = "08chqv4a2d3f629v78dym0pq56pmdnp8j4xp4s93wnj4mpz3qmpz";
fetchSubmodules = false;
@ -124,12 +124,12 @@
telescope-nvim = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "telescope.nvim";
version = "2022-05-20";
version = "2022-05-25";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "nvim-telescope";
repo = "telescope.nvim";
rev = "1a91238a6ad7a1f77fabdbee7225692a04b20d48";
sha256 = "10kyimz5zggjwv9nmrkgkz2f3w9scsanjw9n3fjl51zjf80hj6wf";
rev = "328232e090004274f2c830fdaad9a2bda8ba2e60";
sha256 = "1lnl87b3bp31340ilp12dwr4gimxj8vajjf6nhqabd0w54r7g243";
fetchSubmodules = false;
@ -197,23 +197,23 @@
LuaSnip = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "LuaSnip";
version = "2022-05-21";
version = "2022-05-23";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "L3MON4D3";
repo = "LuaSnip";
rev = "07cf1a1fa01c7ecb2091d0cd04af2a2e70676058";
sha256 = "158mj2sc9ga5dc5x5rn1j7r3m8jikq2vs0d4c48pgzqgvzm0iczf";
rev = "08b06c3dace531cac7cf297ce407f0f43bfd192b";
sha256 = "0wvpnanymr3p5aqqkwggjs30gsyxrn14j6fihqblaw1m2dbl4zli";
fetchSubmodules = false;
nvim-cmp = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "nvim-cmp";
version = "2022-05-18";
version = "2022-05-25";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "hrsh7th";
repo = "nvim-cmp";
rev = "6e1e3865158f340d6cd3936937eb56947b5a90f9";
sha256 = "0gblj2agswxnd9p4avyqbsxzwd58c87516qa9pzx7bzssa1sfc0w";
rev = "033a817ced907c8bcdcbe3355d7ea67446264f4b";
sha256 = "0ywdjcic3ipc0igss3nmd9j2vdx3jh4wmfsx2895kasjb0x50fqg";
fetchSubmodules = false;
@ -338,17 +338,6 @@
fetchSubmodules = false;
nvim-treesitter-textobjects = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "nvim-treesitter-textobjects";
version = "2022-05-14";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "nvim-treesitter";
repo = "nvim-treesitter-textobjects";
rev = "b00b344c0f5a0a458d6e66eb570cfb347ebf4c38";
sha256 = "190k6p07769ykz54fdy0y5zrqyhca8dnnfji5pd6ccws1ghgqqd2";
fetchSubmodules = false;
vim-matchup = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "vim-matchup";
version = "2022-05-06";
@ -360,6 +349,28 @@
fetchSubmodules = false;
nvim-treesitter-textobjects = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "nvim-treesitter-textobjects";
version = "2022-05-23";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "nvim-treesitter";
repo = "nvim-treesitter-textobjects";
rev = "b1e850b77e57b2720c06d523d6fc4776ad6a5608";
sha256 = "070ldvra2xmg76nvx1xa5wx2pmfrfmjqbhxy2qpr6nyj0cbb5ndg";
fetchSubmodules = false;
heirline-nvim = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "heirline.nvim";
version = "2022-05-25";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "rebelot";
repo = "heirline.nvim";
rev = "bb7eaec8f5f8e762b23da91109b54e1b3518c7b8";
sha256 = "0hly8zaqn7fvvak7dapr2rhx9z4y4rga8sh3v3w3divk9nnqf55v";
fetchSubmodules = false;
lualine-nvim = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "lualine.nvim";
version = "2022-05-22";
@ -384,12 +395,12 @@
indent-blankline-nvim = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "indent-blankline.nvim";
version = "2022-05-10";
version = "2022-05-24";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lukas-reineke";
repo = "indent-blankline.nvim";
rev = "8567ac8ccd19ee41a6ec55bf044884799fa3f56b";
sha256 = "0gbdgn8031i4wgl5w2halaxjir39710n5cs8997cf3fhjj8zk5ss";
rev = "6177a59552e35dfb69e1493fd68194e673dc3ee2";
sha256 = "1bsyzbcj9jmpx6sl6mf2f5k1a60lhgq7vmsrpqab2wc0vm4v8kap";
fetchSubmodules = false;
@ -428,12 +439,12 @@
gitsigns-nvim = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
pname = "gitsigns.nvim";
version = "2022-05-22";
version = "2022-05-24";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lewis6991";
repo = "gitsigns.nvim";
rev = "ada01db9ddb31a124c52b8ea25191a0790da74e0";
sha256 = "0j527indacyvdsjplim2wl2fm90qg8qvcvfd9xc0vs03g1a282cy";
rev = "44372ff5dca2ca4c0cff13bb9a0d382238756c68";
sha256 = "0gzgsc6abpwdmx5mx6656rific4gbfkwnmkbii5w2x5bxp98lz6z";
fetchSubmodules = false;

View file

@ -58,12 +58,13 @@
# Pairs
- src: windwp/nvim-autopairs
- src: windwp/nvim-ts-autotag
- src: andymass/vim-matchup
# Textobjects
- src: nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects
# UI
- src: andymass/vim-matchup
- src: rebelot/heirline.nvim
- src: nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
- src: akinsho/bufferline.nvim
- src: lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim