--- layout: post title: Encoding and Decoding Polylines with Erlang description: "Description and implementation of functions that encode and decode polylines." date: 2015-03-12 22:03:00 CET category: posts tags: [erlang, programming, english] comments: true --- If you have ever worked with the [Google Directions API](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/?csw=1) you probably came across [encoded polylines](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm). I wanted to decode and encode these using Erlang but was unable to find an existing implementation. So I decided to write my own. * A single point (latitude/longitude pair) is represented using a tuple * A path, i.e. a decoded polyline, is represented as a list of point tuples * An encoded polyline is represented as a simple binary string {% highlight erlang %} Point = {Lng, Lat}, Path = [{Lng, Lat}, {Lng2, Lat2}]. {% endhighlight %} The `encode/1` function takes a path and returns an encoded polyline. {% highlight erlang linenos %} encode(Path) -> encode_acc(Path, 0, 0, <<>>). % Private encode_acc([], _PLat, _PLng, Acc) -> Acc; encode_acc([{Lng, Lat}|Rest], PLat, PLng, Acc) -> LatE5 = round(Lat * 1.0e5), LngE5 = round(Lng * 1.0e5), EncodedLat = encode_part(encode_sign(LatE5 - PLat), <<>>), EncodedLng = encode_part(encode_sign(LngE5 - PLng), <<>>), encode_acc(Rest, LatE5, LngE5, <>). encode_sign(Num) when Num < 0 -> bnot (Num bsl 1); encode_sign(Num) -> Num bsl 1. encode_part(Num, Result) when Num < 32 -> <>; encode_part(Num, Result) -> Value = (32 bor (Num band 31)) + 63, encode_part(Num bsr 5, <>). {% endhighlight %} The `decode/1` function takes an encoded polyline and returns a path. {% highlight erlang linenos %} decode(Line) -> decode_acc(Line, 0, 0, []). % Private decode_acc(<<>>, _Lat, _Lng, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); decode_acc(Line, Lat, Lng, Acc) -> {DLat, Rest} = decode_part(Line, 32, 0, 0), Lat2 = Lat + DLat, {DLng, Rest2} = decode_part(Rest, 32, 0, 0), Lng2 = Lng + DLng, decode_acc(Rest2, Lat2, Lng2, [{Lng2 / 1.0e5, Lat2 / 1.0e5} | Acc]). decode_part(Line, B, _Shift, Result) when B < 32 -> Result2 = if Result band 1 == 0 -> Result bsr 1; true -> bnot (Result bsr 1) end, {Result2, Line}; decode_part(<>, _OldB, Shift, Result) -> B = C - 63, Result2 = Result bor ((B band 31) bsl Shift), decode_part(Rest, B, Shift + 5, Result2). {% endhighlight %} I have written these functions for [noesis](https://github.com/nifoc/noesis), which is a library that contains useful utility functions. Right now the implementation is only available in the [development branch](https://github.com/nifoc/noesis/blob/development/src/noesis_polyline.erl). It is tested using [EUnit](https://github.com/nifoc/noesis/blob/f3e9ae21d53e09bea9ca48fe4a56ddd006952e0a/test/noesis_polyline_test.erl) and [QuickCheck](https://github.com/nifoc/noesis/blob/f3e9ae21d53e09bea9ca48fe4a56ddd006952e0a/test/noesis_polyline_triq.erl). If you're reading this a couple of months from now, you might find an updated implementation on GitHub.