[Riemann](http://riemann.io) is a network monitoring system written in Clojure, it offers a rather simple [protobuf](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protocol_Buffers)-based API. I have just tagged [Katja](https://github.com/nifoc/katja) [version 0.1](https://github.com/nifoc/katja/tree/v0.1), my Riemann client written in Erlang.
Katja supports all the basic things a Riemann client has to support. It can ...
- ... send events
- ... send states
- ... query events
Additionally multiple events and states can also be send in a single message.
Katja only supports Erlang/OTP R16B01+. This is mostly because in releases before R16 `query` was an unused keyword, meaning that you could not easily use it as a function name or record field.
Katja allows you to send either a single event or multiple ones. Events are simple property lists with the following (possible) keys: time, state, service, host, description, tags, ttl, attributes, metric.
The entire `katja:event()` type definition can be found on [GitHub](https://github.com/nifoc/katja/blob/v0.1/src/katja.erl#L31..L33).
States and events are very similar, so much so that the (possible) keys of a state property list are almost identical to the keys of an event property list: time, state, service, host, description, tags, ttl, once.
Once again, the entire `katja:state()` type definition can be found on [GitHub](https://github.com/nifoc/katja/blob/v0.1/src/katja.erl#L34..L36).
`katja:query/1` will return a list of events. Events are a property list of type `katja:event()`, so what you send to Riemann is also what you get back when querying. There is one important thing to keep in mind: All `undefined` or `[]` values will be removed from the returned property list(s).
You can find example queries in the [Riemann test suite](https://github.com/aphyr/riemann/blob/master/test/riemann/query_test.clj).
Katja also allows you to send mutiple events and/or states in a single request via `katja:send_entities/1`.
## Future
There are two things I'm currently thinking about adding to Katja:
1. Adding (generic) support process pools: This should be done in a way that does not assume anything about the pool that's being used. Katja will not depend on a specific process pool implementation.
2. Querying based on a property list: This means that you could pass a property list of type `katja:event()` to a query method and get back events based on that. In general, all it should take to do this is transforming the property list in a query string that Riemann understands.