It's been a few days since [Erlang/OTP 17.0]( has been released. Installing 64 Bit Erlang (with [Observer]( support) on Mac OS X has always been a bit tricky, but with 17.0 it has gotten significantly easier.
First you need to install/get some prerequisites:
* [Command Line Tools for Xcode]( or [Xcode](
* [Homebrew](
* [kerl](
After you've gotten these three, we start by installing *wxWidgets*. It's required in order to use the Observer GUI.
Compiling *wxWidgets* might take some time. After it's done, you should create a `~/.kerlrc` file. It's basically a configuration file for *kerl*, which will be used for every Erlang version you compile. You can find the list of available options in the [*kerl* readme]( Mine looks like this:
After the installation is finished, *kerl* will output instructions on how to enable a specific Erlang version globally. In general, you will put something like the following in your `~/.zshrc` or `~/.bash_profile`: