defmodule BdfrBrowser.Message do use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2] alias BdfrBrowser.Chat @primary_key {:id, :string, autogenerate: false} @foreign_key_type :string schema "messages" do field :author, :string field :message, :string field :posted_at, :utc_datetime belongs_to :chat, Chat end def listing(chat) do from(m in __MODULE__, where: m.chat_id == ^, order_by: [asc: m.posted_at] ) end def images do from(m in __MODULE__, where: like(m.message, "mxc://%") or like(m.message, ""), order_by: [asc: m.posted_at] ) end def potential_duplicates(other_m) do from(m in __MODULE__, where: != ^ and m.chat_id == ^other_m.chat_id and m.posted_at == ^other_m.posted_at, order_by: [asc: m.posted_at] ) end end