defmodule BdfrBrowser.Post do use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2] alias BdfrBrowser.{Comment, Subreddit} @primary_key {:id, :string, autogenerate: false} schema "posts" do field :title, :string field :selftext, :string field :url, :string field :permalink, :string field :author, :string field :upvote_ratio, :float field :posted_at, :utc_datetime field :filename, :string belongs_to :subreddit, Subreddit has_many :comments, Comment end def date_listing(subreddit) do from(p in __MODULE__, select: fragment("to_char(?, 'YYYY-MM')", p.posted_at), where: p.subreddit_id == ^, distinct: true, order_by: [desc: fragment("to_char(?, 'YYYY-MM')", p.posted_at)] ) end def during_month(subreddit, month_str) do {:ok, d} = Date.from_iso8601("#{month_str}-01") during_range(subreddit, Date.beginning_of_month(d), Date.end_of_month(d)) end def during_range(subreddit, start_date, end_date) do from(p in __MODULE__, left_join: c in assoc(p, :comments), select: %{id:, title: p.title, author:, posted_at: p.posted_at, num_comments: count(}, where: p.subreddit_id == ^ and type(p.posted_at, :date) >= ^start_date and type(p.posted_at, :date) <= ^end_date, order_by: [desc: p.posted_at], group_by: ) end end