defmodule BdfrBrowser.Importer do require Logger use GenServer alias BdfrBrowser.{Chat, Comment, Message, Post, Repo, Subreddit} def start_link([]) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end def subreddits do _ ="Importing subreddits ...") folders = list_folders(sort: :asc) for folder <- folders do %Subreddit{name: folder} |> Repo.insert( on_conflict: :nothing, conflict_target: :name ) end end def posts_and_comments do _ ="Importing posts and comments ...") result = for subreddit <- list_folders(sort: :asc) do _ ="Importing entries from `#{subreddit}' ...") subreddit_record = Repo.get_by(Subreddit, name: subreddit) for date <- list_folders(paths: [subreddit]) do _ = Logger.debug("Importing entries from `#{subreddit}' on `#{date}' ...") for post <- read_posts(paths: [subreddit, date], ext: ".json") do _ = Logger.debug("Importing `#{post["id"]}' from `#{subreddit}' ...") {:ok, post_record} = import_post(post, subreddit_record) comment_records = for comment <- post["comments"], do: import_comment(comment, post_record, nil) {post_record, List.flatten(comment_records)} end end end List.flatten(result) end def chats do _ ="Importing chats ...") result = for chat <- read_chats(directory_key: :chat_directory) do _ ="Importing chat `#{chat["id"]}' ...") {:ok, chat_record} = import_chat(chat) message_records = for message <- chat["messages"], do: import_message(message, chat_record) {chat_record, List.flatten(message_records)} end List.flatten(result) end def background_import do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, :background_import) end # Callbacks @impl true def init([]) do {:ok, nil} end @impl true def handle_cast(:background_import, state) do _ = subreddits() _ = posts_and_comments() _ = chats() {:noreply, state} end # Helper defp list_folders(args) do paths = Keyword.get(args, :paths, []) extname = Keyword.get(args, :ext, "") sort = Keyword.get(args, :sort, :desc) directory_key = Keyword.get(args, :directory_key, :base_directory) base_directory = Application.fetch_env!(:bdfr_browser, directory_key) [base_directory | paths] |> Path.join() |>!() |> Enum.filter(fn s -> not String.starts_with?(s, ".") and Path.extname(s) == extname end) |> Enum.sort_by(&String.downcase/1, sort) end defp read_posts(args) do posts = list_folders(args) sort = Keyword.get(args, :sort, :desc) base_directory = Application.fetch_env!(:bdfr_browser, :base_directory) post_dir = Path.join([base_directory | Keyword.fetch!(args, :paths)]) parsed_posts = for post <- posts do file_path = Path.join([post_dir, post]) parsed = file_path |>!() |> Jason.decode!() Map.put(parsed, "filename", post) end Enum.sort_by(parsed_posts, fn p -> p["created_utc"] end, sort) end defp read_chats(args) do directory_key = Keyword.get(args, :directory_key, :chat_directory) base_directory = Application.fetch_env!(:bdfr_browser, directory_key) new_chats = for chat <- list_folders([{:ext, ".json"} | args]) do file_path = Path.join([base_directory, chat]) parsed = file_path |>!() |> Jason.decode!() Map.put(parsed, "filename", chat) end old_chats = for chat <- list_folders([{:ext, ".json_lines"} | args]) do file_path = Path.join([base_directory, chat]) messages = file_path |>!() |> |> line -> {:ok, [author, date, message]} = Jason.decode(line) formatted_date = date |> String.replace(" UTC", "Z") |> String.replace(" ", "T") %{ "author" => author, "timestamp" => formatted_date, "content" => %{ "Message" => message } } end) |> Enum.to_list() %{"id" => Path.basename(chat, ".json_lines"), "messages" => messages, "filename" => chat} end old_chats ++ new_chats end defp import_post(post, subreddit) do id = post["id"] %Post{ id: id, title: post["title"], selftext: post["selftext"], url: post["url"], permalink: post["permalink"], author: post["author"], upvote_ratio: post["upvote_ratio"], posted_at: DateTime.from_unix!(trunc(post["created_utc"])), filename: Path.basename(post["filename"], ".json"), subreddit: subreddit } |> Repo.insert( on_conflict: [set: [id: id]], conflict_target: :id ) end defp import_comment(comment, post, parent) do id = comment["id"] {:ok, parent} = %Comment{ id: id, author: comment["author"], body: comment["body"], score: comment["score"], posted_at: DateTime.from_unix!(trunc(comment["created_utc"])), post: post, parent: parent } |> Repo.insert( on_conflict: [set: [id: id]], conflict_target: :id ) children = for child <- comment["replies"], do: import_comment(child, post, parent) [parent] ++ children end defp import_chat(chat) do id = chat["id"] accounts = for message <- chat["messages"], uniq: true, do: message["author"] %Chat{ id: id, accounts: accounts } |> Repo.insert( on_conflict: [set: [id: id]], conflict_target: :id ) end defp import_message(message, chat) do id = :sha3_256 |> :crypto.hash([, message["timestamp"]]) |> Base.encode16(case: :lower) {:ok, posted_at, 0} = DateTime.from_iso8601(message["timestamp"]) {:ok, message} = %Message{ id: id, author: message["author"], message: message["content"]["Message"], posted_at: posted_at, chat: chat } |> Repo.insert( on_conflict: [set: [id: id]], conflict_target: :id ) message end end